Day 3 - 29 Oct (Fri)
*Pre-live jitters*
Woke up earlier than expected today...must be the adrenaline! Despite that, I had quite a good sleep, owing, I'm sure, to the spa visit the night before.
We decided to first make a visit to the Osaka Like An Edison store.

It wasn't hard to find it using the directions provided in their usual magazine advertisements. In fact, the shop's situated in quite a nice neighbourhood.

It's near a park (<--that's also the starting place for queues!). It was early so we were the only ones in the shop (though later on 2 other muccers popped in~they were cosplaying [Kuchiki no tou] jackets :D). One of the displays in the shop was a postcard with well-wishes from mucc to the Osaka Like An Edison store. Tatsurou drew himself with juicy breasts~~ O_o; and the only thing on their minds was..takoyaki!! XD!! We proceeded back to the Namba area. Wanted to search out another record shop, Jeez (that's the name of the shop!), but as it was supposed to be in America Town, which was just next to Namba Hatch, we decided to pop by Namba Hatch first to check out the situation there.

The word 'Hatch' is actually a play on words, since the hall is octagonal in shape and the number '8' is pronounced 'hachi' in Japanese. The word 'Hatch' is also used in the hope that the place will help "hatch" new musical talents into the scene.

That's the Minatomachi River just next to Namba Hatch.
At Namba Hatch, staff were still unpacking the tour goods.. we checked out the 'locker situation' (including 'back-ups' at the nearby train stations...yes, that was how serious we were! hey.. in a mucc live, the locker is of utmost importance!! *nods gravely*) and noted that there weren't that many people hanging around yet, so we went off in search of Jeez. After some walking, we found out that... that... jeez, Jeez is no longer around! Sob! Sigh~~~the plight of stand-alone CD shops...wonder if it's closed down or moved to another place..
Went back to our hotel for a short rest (preparation for the live!). Hey they were showing the old version of [白い巨塔] on TV! Quite interesting to see a different take of the story. Also shows how timeless the story is.
Anyway, we soon found ourselves walking towards Namba Hatch in eager anticipation.

I have written a full report of the live in the link below:
ムック 二〇〇四年 秋ツアー「騒乱秋興」~ Namba Hatch 29 Oct 04
The page is accessible via a username and password as follow:
-> username: mucc
-> password: YYYYMMDD (the date mucc was formed)
[Important: do not press the 'return' key after you have entered the username and password. Just click the 'Submit' button!]
I decided to keep the live report in a separate page from this one to spare the non-muckers the agony...because I think I went a bit overboard with the number of words =_=; Also, I hope people who access the page are those who like mucc, because I think they can better relate to what I wrote. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll get silly questions like "do your parents know about this?" or "do you travel to any other country besides Japan?" again.
Uhm. I hope all who read the live repo page enjoyed the report. ^^
Some pictures from the live~

Live goods!! :D

Post-live crowd

Post-live outside, just under the stairs~
After the live, we had udon and oden in a shop near our hotel. I didn't eat much because i was more thirsty than I was hungry! Then we returned back to the hotel...and played mucc's music in our room using yuj's CD player and mobile speakers! Each time a song that was played during the live came on, we'd try to recall what happened. :D That night, I couldn't sleep. After laying in a half-awake state for about an hour and a half, I thought I would make better use of my time getting up to pen down what I remember about the live, before I forget everything... After that, I still couldn't sleep!!! >_< Every time I closed my eyes, images of the live came flooding back :)
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